“Alternatives to suspension work” – POWER-PAC’s Letter to the Editor in Chicago Sun Times

On March 14th, POWER-PAC’s Letter to the Editor ran in the Chicago Sun Times. POWER-PAC leaders Felipa Mena and Lynn Morton described POWER-PAC’s work to end out-of-school suspensions and to create parent-led Peace Centers which are decreasing suspensions and improving school climate. The letter was sent in support of a Sun Times editorial (link below) calling on the Chicago Public Schools to find alternatives to suspension in light of the new U.S. Department of Education data showing African-American students in Chicago are 5 times as likely to be suspended as white students – one of the worst districts in the U.S. on this front.

Read the Letter to the Editor: Alternatives to suspension work. Final. Letter to the Editor. Sun Times 3.14.12

